FAQs - How It Works
What Exactly is Wanderful?
Wanderful.com is a money-saving website for coupons and voucher codes, with thousands of great discount codes and deals from biggest retailers.
whatever it is you’re looking to buy, it'll be difficult not to find a suitable offer from Wanderful.com. We also have thousands of exclusive offers that can’t be found anywhere else – so keep your eyes open.
How Can I Use a Voucher Code?
Using a discount code or deal from Wanderful.com is as easy as pie. No matter which retailer you’re shopping with, the steps are the same. Just follow along, and you'll be saving in no time.
If you're grabbing a deal that doesn’t need a code (you know, the ones that apply automatically), just click on it, and we’ll whisk you straight to the retailer’s site. As long as your order meets the requirements, the discount will be applied at checkout—no need to fuss with copying and pasting codes. Sounds simple, right?
What’s the difference between a voucher code and a deal?
While both voucher code and deal can help you save money, there is a slight difference between the two.
A voucher code is a unique identification number that consists of alphanumeric series which you can copy and paste into a box on a retailer’s website when you’re ready to pay. After successfully applying the code, a discount will be applied to your total spend.
On the other hand, a deal does not involve copying and pasting any code, as long as you visit the retailer’s website from the deal we have on Wanderful.com and your order meets the requirements of the deal, the discount will be applied automatically.
My voucher code isn’t working, what shall I do?
There are a few things to check if your code doesn’t seem to be working.
Check to confirm that you have entered it into the correct box on the retailer’s website. The box is usually titled something along the lines of ‘promo code’ or ‘got a voucher code’?
Check that the offer you’re trying to use is still active – if it is, it will still be listed on the Wanderful.com merchant page. If it has expired, this will be why it isn’t working.
Do the items you’re ordering meet the requirements of the offer? Always double check to confirm that everything fits the bill.
The best thing to do if you’re still having trouble is get in touch with the retailer’s customer service team if your voucher code isn’t working. You should be able to find their contact details on their website.